About Me!

Hi! I go by Leanne and I am a (very amateur/aspiring) cultural critic and writer. I have just graduated in Cultural Studies from the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds, and I will be a grad student in Critical and Cultural Theory there in the autumn. I have a lot of freedom in what I pursue academically, so I tend to write about video games, literature, gender, postmodernity, postcoloniality, textuality, authorship and readership and many permutations and combinations of these and others, but over the last two years I became relatively well read in Fukushima Fiction and Japanese apocalyptic fiction more broadly. I enjoy almost everything I do academically, but I still feel that I am beholden to particular structures that ultimately limit my expression and enjoyment in my writing. I want to start building a portfolio of critical work but within a sort of looser environment than if I were pitching pieces to a website or writing academically.

Feel free to contact me using the link to my twitter in the footer if you'd like to. I am very slow at responding to requests or messages so please bear with me.